Success 29 July 2022

Paying It Forward

Now here’s a story guaranteed to warm your heart. Over at our Murwillumbah campus, Certificate III in individual Support student Rhonda Smith has received a surprise gift from Kiama Community Colleges.

Kiama College Manager Helen Zwicker explains, “At our recent awards night, an award recipient asked that his prize of $100 voucher be paid forward to someone who shows great dedication but is doing it a bit tough at the moment.

We immediately thought of the residents of the Northern Rivers in light of the devastation caused by recent floods. We know that this is only a token but we hope it leaves you feeling buoyed by the support you have around you and renews your hope for the future”.

Needless to say, Rhonda was incredibly grateful for the small act of kindness – something that will go a long way toward the rebuild of her flood-affected home. And she is 100% worthy, as trainer Mel Duck can attest.

“Through the obstacles she has faced over the last few months with the flood event, losing so much, she has still managed to complete all the theory for the course. She has never given up on this qualification and now only has a few more hours of work placement to be eligible to graduate. A very, very determined lady”.

Wow, we are blown away by the generosity and thoughtfulness of our community and our resilient students powering through adversity. Huge congratulations Rhonda, you so deserve it.

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